
Looking at the blog and I haven’t posted in 19 months. Far too much has gone on for me to go into it all properly in one post. The status of my marriage has changed forever, we’ve added new friends, new loves and new work situations. I’ve gone through a few cars and while in a lot of ways I’m very much the same man I was in September 2008, I’m also very different. I’m not sure what I can share and what I can’t since I’m unsure who reads this but depending on who you are, you might find a few surprises. Stay tuned…

Remembering a Tragic Moment

I woke up this morning at 5:30am. I woke up just as I do on every other weekday morning. I got up, went in to brush my teeth, do my morning business, hit the shower, get dressed,  get together my lunch and head to work. Normally I’d brush my hair as well but a recent haircut rendered that kinda unnecessary due to a lack of it. Still, I woke up this morning and I dropped Victoria off at work and headed to work myself. I spent some time talking to my co-worker and doing my morning reports and then checking my email, a few blogs and forums before continuing my work for the day. It was then that I remembered what day it was: September 11th. It was then I had my first pangs of emotion. It was the same emotion I’ve felt for the last five years or so: disdain.

You see, since September 12th, 2002 I have felt a feeling of disdain towards those who turned this tragedy into something I felt was ugly. Even now I still think it’s ugly and it takes away from what the emotions immediately following the tragedy in New York City, Washington DC and a rural town in SW Pennsylvania brought us. All around me I see the flag in so many forms and none of them as it should be. Decals of all shapes bearing the flags resemblance. I see murals on the back of trucks memoralizing the event or showing an eagle with the flag in the background and some sort of phrase that basically says, “Never Forget” or “All gave some. Some gave all.”

I see the way the current administration has used this tragedy to keep the citizens in this country in a state of constant fear. If we aren’t scared, they can’t save us and we don’t need them. If we’re not scared, they can’t take away our freedoms, give themselves king-like powers and do whatever they want to us in the name of freedom and national security. The famous phrase, “those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety” has become a punchline and anyone uttering it is a left-wing whacko who hates America.

You see I remember the day of the attack. I remember the days following the attack. I remember the pain and anguish and betrayal I felt. Where was my security? I felt invaded and vulnerable. I felt deep resentment and anger at who did it. Underneath all that, and it came out quickly and lasted for months, I felt a deep sense of community with all of America. My dream had come true of a country without parties and divisions and in-fighting. I saw our politicians drop the fake act (or what I thought was a fake act) and join together to help unify and strengthen and heal the country. That was an America I felt quite proud of. That was the dream Doctor Martin Luther King Jr dreamed of. Sure there were a few people who didn’t handle the pain well and used it to further their own racist agenda by attacking ALL people with darker skin than they, especially those of Middle-Eastern background. Still, the majority of us seemed to be bonding together both in a sense of healing and in anger.

Sadly through time, the anger won out. We began to fight amongst ourselves. Some among us started to heal faster than the rest and began to get on with their lives. Those still grieving and angry accused those that had healed of being uncaring and these people were called all sorts of nasty and tasteless things. The anger grew, spread through the media and government and soon we were looking all over the place for enemies they could be mad at. Instead of bonding together and become a true community and country and UNITED States, we divided, we fell and we searched for enemies instead of accepting the support of friends. Among our new enemies were North Korea, China, Libya and the entire Middle Eastern region especially Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine and Iraq. Soon we focused solely North Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq. Then it became just Iraq. Here’s a country that might not like us at all but certainly wasn’t connected to the attacks in New York City. Still, here was our government and media making the connections anyways despite the evidence to the contrary. Satellite photos of supposed munitions transfers of WMDs and threats against Israel and the US peaked Americans enough to give a large cry for ar against Iraq and it came.

Some saw the war for what it was. Some came up with their own true or false agendas for being against it. I will admit that the first night of the attacks I was excited for it. The very next morning I began to doubt. I started doing research online and I didn’t get it. Why were we attacking Iraq again? Because we don’t like Hussein? Well we don’t like Castro either but we’re not invading them. We don’t like Kim Jong Il and yes China is right there and war with them would be suicide but we’re not provoking them. Iran hates us MORE and we’re not invading them. Why invade anywhere? Why aren’t we going after those that attacked us? Why are they all of a sudden not a priority to us? Is it because we were being embarassed by their ability to hide from us and we needed a diversion? Something to unite us again in a common cause?

I fought back and forth for months over whether or not I should support the war. I felt that those against it were spoiled brats and yet I couldn’t justify our occupation of Iraq. I prayed to God about it and didn’t receive any definitive answer. I read scriptures on war and when God has OK’d it versus when he did not. I still couldn’t come to a conclusion and it was then that I realized if God wasn’t Oking it to me, I got no confirmation to justify it through scripture and I couldn’t justify it through logic, then it had to be wrong. From that point on, sometime during the summer of 2003, I’ve been against the war.

September 11, 2001 our country was attacked. By September 11, 2002 we were already at war with ourselves. We bickered and fought worse than ever before. We weren’t stronger or even UNITED. We were divided. We fell. Even now this country is divided bitterly between liberal and conservative. Both sides claim to be true patriots and claim the other side hates America. Why can’t we just agree that we all love America but we disagree on what our country should look like. Some want more religion in our laws. Some want none at all. Some want energy independence through more drilling for oil. Some want it through alternative methods of energy. Still in the end, each side not only hates the other side more than they love their own side but they won’t compromise or even stop until the other side is utterly destroyed. BOTH sides are guilty of this tragedy which I believe is far more damaging and sad than those planes hitting the World Trade Center.

It’s time to stop our petty childish bickering. It’s time we Unite together as one country instead of two parties unwilling to speak to the other side. It’s time our extreme left-wing presidential candidate with the anti-technology running mate talked with the rebelliously independent but increasingly conservative presidential candidate with the neo-con running mate and work towards a compromise and solutions to help make this country better. Would I vote for an Obama-McCain ticket? You bet I would. I’d vote for any ticket where members of both sides were willing not only to talk to the other side but actually work towards compromise in the interest of the American people instead of those that paid for their campaigns, special interests, lobbyists and mega corporations. Well and of course there’s also the temptation of serving their own needs over America’s needs. I’m not convinced either candidate can do this but I’m hoping that whoever wins WILL. We need to bring that unity we felt on September 12, 2001 back to America. We need to stop the bickering, finger pointing, lack of taking responsibility for our own failures and start working towards progress. This is making me ashamed to be an American or even a human being for that matter. REALLY? This is the example we want to set for the world? Lies, slander, sensational soundbites, name-calling, greed and selling off the American public to the highest bidder? Disgusting. I believe we’re better than that. Prove me right.

My position on Proposition 8

As some of you are aware, half of my family are Latter-Day Saints and active in their church. Currently I too am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now from time to time I will get emails from members of the church either in my ward or family pertaining to a number of things from church activities, inspirational phrases, thoughts, talks from church leaders or whatever. Recently we have been bombarded by a number of emails pertaining to California Proposition 8 which the church is fervently working to pass along with other churches.

Those of you who know me know that I have often labeled myself as bi-curious or at the very least heterosexual with some leanings. My wife is bisexual and may even label herself homo-curious in that she is far more homosexual but being married and enjoying a heterosexual relationship, she is not fully homosexual. So, you can probably gather where our opinions lie in relation to the church’s opposition to homosexuality. Three times the church has valiantly fought same-sex marriage and same-sex rights in general and three times I’ve dropped away from activity in the church for this very reason. I believe I might just be coming to the end of the line here. Today we received the following list from a ward member forwarded by President Sabin. Here is the list and my rebuttal to the list:

Six Consequences the Coalition Has Identified If Proposition 8 Fails

1. Children in public schools will have to be taught that same-sex marriage is just as good as traditional marriage.

The California Education Code already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage. (§51890)

Therefore, unless Proposition 8 passes, children will be taught that marriage is between any two adults regardless of gender. There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.

But a court ruling has stated: “…current state law does not require school districts to teach anything about marriage or same-sex marriage at any grade level. Moreover, for those school districts that choose to include instruction about marriage as part of a health education curriculum, Education Code § 51240 requires that they allow parents to excuse their children from any such instruction conflicting with the parents’ religious or moral convictions.

2. Churches may be sued over their tax exempt status if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings open to the public. Ask whether your pastor, priest, minister, bishop, or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.

The implication that the courts will soon start mandating homosexual ceremonies in all churches is fear mongering and flat out lies. There has always been a separation of church and state for a reason. It protects both the religious and anti-religious alike from the “tyrannical judiciary” (yes that’s what they called this). This stupid deception by the Protect Marriage Morons just emphasizes to me that like in anything else in life, if you have to mislead others in order to convert them to see things your way, then you must be either wrong or you don’t truly believe in whatever it is you’re trying to convert someone else into believing.

3. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston already closed its doors in Massachusetts because courts legalized same-sex marriage there.

Yet again refer to the separation between church and state. It’s funny how you use this to your advantage when it’s for your convenience but the moment you have an agenda like this, all of a sudden it doesn’t exist. Also, you may want to check your sources. The Catholic Charities still has SEVEN offices open in Boston and another 16 throughout Eastern Mass.

4. Religions that sponsor private schools with married student housing may be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if counter to church doctrine, or risk lawsuits over tax exemptions and related benefits.

Yet again I have to bring in separation of church and state. The only ones who are at risk of a separation of church and state breach are those who do not belong to a church. One such breach would be this very proposition where religious morals are being made law and churches preaching FREE WILL are attempting to deceive others into voting on a proposition that will force their doctrine on the populous of the state whether they believe in these morals or not.

5. Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages may be sued for hate speech and risk government fines. It already happened in Canada, a country that legalized gay marriage. A recent California court held that municipal employees may not say: “traditional marriage,” or “family values” because, after the same-sex marriage case, it is “hate speech.”

If you’re going to state such things, be sure to come with sources. Canada’s Hate Code specifically targeting speech is held in section 318 (which deals with advocating genocide) and section 319 (which deals with the rest) and it states precisely as this:

Section 319(1): Public Incitement of Hatred

The crime of “publicly inciting hatred” has four main elements. To contravene the Code, a person must:

  • communicate statements,
  • in a public place,
  • incite hatred against an identifiable group,
  • in such a way that there will likely be a breach of the peace.

Under section 319, “communicating” includes communicating by telephone, broadcasting or other audible or visible means; a “public place” is one to which the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied; and “statements” means words (spoken, written or recorded), gestures, and signs or other visible representations.

All the above elements must be proven for a court to find an accused guilty of either:

  • an indictable offence, for which the punishment is imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
  • an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Section 319(2) defines the additional offence of communicating statements, other than in private conversation, that wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group.

Section 319(3) identifies acceptable defences. Indicates that no person shall be convicted of an offence if the statements in question:

  • are established to be true
  • were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds it was believed to be true
  • were expressed in good faith, it was attempted to establish by argument and opinion on a religious subject
  • were expressed in good faith, it was intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada

So as you can see, there is no basis whatsoever for the prosecution or liability by any clergy of any church or religion to face hate speech lawsuits in Canada and Canada’s hate crimes laws are far stricter than anything seen in the American Judicial System.

6. It will cost you money. This change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits, including some already lost (e.g., photographers cannot now refuse to photograph gay marriages, doctors cannot now refuse to perform artificial insemination of gays even given other willing doctors). Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today’s activist judges), think of the money – your money – that will be spent on such legal battles.

This one strikes me personally. Let me address all three parts to this separately. First, the lawsuit between Vanessa Willock and Elane Photography in New Mexico (not CA mind you) is still in appeals. Second, if there is no legitimate business reason behind refusing service to a client, then it is both illegal and immoral to refuse said service to them.

Concerning the case of the lesbian couple who sued a clinic surrounding being refused for artificial insemination, I agree with the courts decision because while neither woman was sick and neither would have died or become sick as a direct result of being refused this treatment, it’s the refusal of treatment that violated the state’s anti-discrimination laws and the fact that the decision by the court was unanimous should be a testament to this fact. Did they not swear to the Hippocratic Oath? Did they not swear to protect their patients privacy? To as the oath states, “remember that I am a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings?” Not just those whose lifestyle he or she agrees with but ALL, “whether of sound mind and body or the infirm.” Not to say homosexuals are infirm but when I read infirm I basically read that as being anyone that we find offensive. Would a black doctor treat a white nationalist? Would a jewish doctor treat a nazi sympathizer? Would a Christian doctor treat a Pagan? Would an LDS doctor treat a homosexual? They all should because it is their duty as medical practitioners.

Talking about these lawsuits costing the taxpayers a ton of money due to lawsuits surrounding this issue I say GOOD. There are so many things our money is being spent on that we would be angry to find out about including a number of frivolous lawuits. Can you itemize where every tax dollar you pay goes? No? Then how much do you really care?

And think of all the unintended consequences that we cannot even foresee at this time. Where will it end?

Oh how many times have I heard this fear mongering rhetoric? “Next thing we know it’ll be legal to marry your dog or your lamp or your car! Where will it end?!” It pretty well ends with this. So long as homosexuals have the same rights as everyone else, then there’s no need for further legislation to protect them further. The reason they are added onto hate crime laws (which I disagree with btw…all crimes come from hate of some sort) is because of the continued discrimination they face in the very basic facets of life. As a Christian, I don’t expect to be accepted into a muslim mosque or a Jewish temple. Many of them do open their doors to non-believers but many times they don’t. Just as well, homosexuals will NOT be forced to be allowed inside LDS temples. Hell, a good percentage of LDS MEMBERS aren’t allowed inside and you haven’t seen any discrimination lawsuits yet, have you?

It’s your children, your grandchildren, your money, and your liberties.

It’s theirs as well

Lets work together to protect them.

Join with us in walking precincts and phoning voters to vote Yes on Prop 8.

Those who are against same-sex marriage often site this as a protection of marriage? From what? All that has been done to it by the heterosexuals? Two out of every three marriages end in divorce. Spousal abuse in many forms, infidelity, and other evils have been done to marriage by bonds between men and women for centuries. Some of the biggest proponents for this proposition is the Church of Latter-Day Saints. Utah has one of the highest divorce rates in the country. This in a church who’s idea of a traditional marriage is meeting someone, getting married a few weeks later and then reproducing as often as possible for the rest of your life. Boys and girls (because they’re often nowhere near men and women at the time of marriage) who barely know each other bind themselves together for time and all eternity and then begin to procreate at a rate that would make rabbits blush. The pressure in the church for large families is fierce. So these two people who barely knew each other when they got married now have 6-10 kids who’s lives are being scarred by the troubles that these two “adults” face when they start to realize how incompatible they are. What worse could be done to this fractured institution called marriage that hasn’t already been done?

The ballot summary for Proposition 8 starts with “Proposition 8 is about preserving marriage; it’s not an attack on the gay lifestyle.” Yes, except in the part where it is a direct attack on the gay lifestyle.California. They say that Proposition 8 would not take away any of the rights and privileges already afforded to homosexuals. If this were truly the case there would be no need for the proposition. This proposition actually intends to take away the right of homosexuals to marry as is currently held in the state of California.

I want to urge all of you to look at this proposition and look at the impact it would have on the structure of society and how it would affect the lives of people you may or may not agree with. Make the choice that your heart pulls you towards but for me, I’m voting against this and I pray the rest of you come to the same conclusion.

For the meantime, I have no place in my life for a church that claims to be “of God” or “the one true church of Jesus Christ” and yet feels the need to lie and deceive the public in order to push their political agenda. I understand that the church is run and attended by mortal men prone to mistakes but this is the third time the church has taken this stand and coming from the leaders who we have been taught would never lead us astray and yet who lie and mislead even their own members turns me off totally from wanting to associate myself with such an organization. This is NOT of God.

I’m not going to make this a eulogy. I just need to talk about this because it hurts so much.

Yesterday I lost someone in my life who was a truly good person. You don’t find a lot of those anymore at least not like him. So to make clear my pain, let me explain the man and then I can explain my own feelings about that man and his passing from this life to whatever comes next for him.

I first met the guy about 18 months ago. He started posting on the forums for a podcast called Keith and The Girl (you might’ve heard of them, they’re kind of a big deal). As with all people I tried to get a feel for what kind of person he was by the things he would post. He was a bit aggressive, especially in flirting with the ladies. He seemed to make a few snide remarks towards the guys and I started to think maybe he was kind of a jerk.

I saw him pop up on chat every now and then and I’d see some people I got along with making fun of him here or there and so based on his posts and how seriously he would try to defend himself, I somehow thought it would be ok to join in and not like him. When I joined Paltalk and saw him on camera, that just made it worse. He would sit in a darkened room, leaned back. All I would see is from his upper lip and above. He was, like me, a bit overweight (ok I’m a fatass so sue me) and it kinda freaked me out. Couple that with his wild and aggressive flirting and I took him to be a bit of a creep.

There was a point where I said a few things to him and he’d shoot back. I don’t know if I took it personal and went for the jugular or if I just said something that maybe hit a bit too close or it could be that he had just had enough already. Either way, he really got hurt and let me know about it. He didn’t scream at me. He didn’t rant and rave about me. All he did was calm himself down and post a sobering and humbling message that let me know I’d gone too far and that he’d been hurt by what I said. I wish I could remember what that was so I could be sure to never say it to another person ever again.

Anyways, after this incident I realized what I’d done, what I’d been doing and that I’d never given this guy a fair chance so I deeply apologized and he forgave me almost immediately as if I’d never been mean to him at all. We’d team up together in PalTalk and chat. I remember one night after an episode of Uncast, Victoria and Butch and I were all drunk and having a great time. We jumped on Paltalk and we had already dropped the tops and were flashing everyone in sight. Anthony was the first one to take his shirt off and join the fun. Soon after, everyone else joined in including at least one person who would never do it again and hadn’t done it before then. It was nothing sexualized. It was just a group of friends hanging out and being silly together. We played music, we laughed, showed our elbows off and I have to say it was the most fun I had had in a long time. In fact, I’d dare say that no night of paltalk has been so crazy or epic as that one.

As I got to know him I realized that flirting and giving shit to the guys was just part of who he was. He just started off that way with us right off the bat. Some of us didn’t take it well because we didn’t know him yet and didn’t feel he should be joking like that when we weren’t close enough to make that acceptable. In the end it was just one in a long list of things we liked about him.

The thing we liked most was his personality. The man was always smiling and always so open and honest about himself. He always had a quick comeback for every insult. He always had time to spend with anyone that asked for his time. He was always there in chat, Paltalk or on the forums. He laughed a lot, made more than his fair share of lude comments and he would make fun of himself before others even got the chance. It just seemed like he was a ton of fun to be around when things were great and when someone needed to be serious he wouldn’t hesitate to drop the lolz and help them out or be there for them. I tried my best to be as supportive as I could in return but I worry now that maybe I didn’t do enough. I know, it’s normal thinking and of course I think something would have been said if that were really true and it does no good to worry now.

I wish I’d gotten on the Skype bandwagon and talked to him personally when I could. I might have to look at my skype connection and do that when I can. I think part of the reason is nerves. I get nervous talking to people I haven’t previously spoken to and I’m also not very good at making conversation so I kind of avoided the Skype thing because of that. I regret it now because maybe I could have gotten to be closer to him as a person than I was. Still, that doesn’t make his passing any easier for me.

Anthony Hartman, aka windowsanddoors aka WD aka Wad, founder and creator of /m\/m\. I’ve been shedding a lot of tears the last 12 hours and I plan on shedding a lot more before the pain has passed. He’s in a better place. He’s no longer hurting. He doesn’t struggle for breath anymore and he’s no longer limited in his travels because of his medical condition. I can take comfort in that. I can take comfort in the deep and powerful blessing from God that I got to spend some of my life with him. I will take his example and use that to change some of the ways I treat the people around me and the way I think about the world. Anthony had a buddhist philosophy and I can most definitely get behind those ideas. Now I’m a Latter-Day Saint (though often it seems I don’t act like it) but I can certainly appreciate the calm and caring way he viewed the world. He realized that people can hurt people. He realized how cruel some were and he detested it but he always strived to be the best friend and best son and best brother or whatever that he could be. He wasn’t perfect and he knew it and used it as an excuse to keep trying…to keep making himself a better person especially when it was easier to NOT be.  He was a brave man and took a lot of pain before his body finally gave out to something as simple and yet complex as pneumonia. November 12, 1985-May 26, 2008. I’m going to miss you, brother.

See? I said I wasn’t going to write a eulogy and apparently I did. Whatever. It feels weird thinking back on those who passed and how my heart reacted with each passing. The gammit was run complete. Some sent me into depression for months. Some I had hardly any reaction at all. I mean my cousin decided to end his time here earlier than I believe God had intended and yet I have shed more tears and felt more heartache for this man who’m I’ve never actually met face to face. I feel like such a terrible person but yet the facts are there and I can’t help how I react when I lose someone I care about. Sometimes the shock produces no tears and no pain. They’re just gone and that’s that. Sometimes it tears me apart. It’s not like I’ve loved any of these people more than the others (well Stephanie was a bit of a special case given the circumstances and how close we were but still) but I have to just take solace and remember the great things that each of these people gave to me and the affect their lives had on mine. There are more losses to come I’m sure. I would just be grateful if they or God would wait at least a few years.

Get Out

From the Daily Kos:

Fri May 23, 2008 at 05:10:57 PM PDT

Senator Clinton, I cannot give you the benefit of the doubt.

You are too smart.

You are too intelligent.

You are too politically astute.

Your statement was not mistaken.

It was intentional.

It is now obvious that you and your campaign are in fact staying in this race, knowing that you cannot possibly win the nomination, in some sort of morbid fantasy that something horrible befalls Senator Obama.  Whether that something horrible be a scandal, a devastating revelation, or death (intentional or otherwise), it does not matter.

It is now revealed that your real reason for staying in this race, and thus prolonging the party disunity and your supporter’s acceptance of reality, is some sort of intentional Plan B.  Thus, it has been your intention to wait for something bad to happen.


It means you have been thinking about it.

It means you have been considering it as a possibility.

And because of your contemplation, you decided to stay in the race for that reason.

Now, if you were considering Obama’s death as a possibility, and considered yourself an alternative, or a Plan B, surely you are smart enough to know that the Democratic Party would have obviously turned to you as our candidate, if Obama had been assassinated, or died, or could not serve as our nominee.

And surely you would have known that it mattered not if you had previously suspended your campaign.  Hell, even if you had conceded to Obama, and Obama died, you would have been tapped to be our nominee.

But you decided to stay in the race anyway, and you decided to advance this notion of assassination and other bad calamaties befalling our presumptive nominee not once, not twice, but FOUR times.  Going back to March.

So I cannot give you the benefit of the doubt.

It is now obvious you have considered Obama’s murder as a political possibility and a reason to prolong our disunity.

And that makes you immoral.   And unfit to lead.  It reveals that you have no character.

It makes me not want you in my political party.

So get out, Senator Clinton.  Get out of this race.  Now.

Yes, I am shoving you out, because you deserve it.

AND…from Keith Olbermann’s latest rant:

God knows, Senator, in this campaign, this nation has had to forgive you, early and often…

And despite your now traditional position of the offended victim, the nation has forgiven you.

We have forgiven you your insistence that there have been widespread calls for you to end your campaign, when such calls had been few. We have forgiven you your misspeaking about Martin Luther King’s relative importance to the Civil Rights movement.

We have forgiven you your misspeaking about your under-fire landing in Bosnia.

We have forgiven you insisting Michigan’s vote wouldn’t count and then claiming those who would not count it were Un-Democratic.

We have forgiven you pledging to not campaign in Florida and thus disenfranchise voters there, and then claim those who stuck to those rules were as wrong as those who defended slavery or denied women the vote.

We have forgiven you the photos of Osama Bin Laden in an anti-Obama ad…

We have forgiven you fawning over the fairness of Fox News while they were still calling you a murderer.

We have forgiven you accepting Richard Mellon Scaife’s endorsement and then laughing as you described his “deathbed conversion.”

We have forgiven you quoting the electoral predictions of Boss Karl Rove.

We have forgiven you the 3 a.m. Phone Call commercial.

We have forgiven you President Clinton’s disparaging comparison of the Obama candidacy to Jesse Jackson’s.

We have forgiven you Geraldine Ferraro’s national radio interview suggesting Obama would not still be in the race had he been a white man.

We have forgiven you the dozen changing metrics and the endless self-contradictions of your insistence that your nomination is mathematically probable rather than a statistical impossibility.

We have forgiven you your declaration of some primary states as counting and some as not.

We have forgiven you exploiting Jeremiah Wright in front of the editorial board of the lunatic-fringe Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

We have forgiven you exploiting William Ayers in front of the debate on ABC.

We have forgiven you for boasting of your “support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans”…

We have even forgiven you repeatedly praising Senator McCain at Senator Obama’s expense, and your own expense, and the Democratic ticket’s expense.

But Senator, we cannot forgive you this.

“You know, my husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”

We cannot forgive you this — not because it is crass and low and unfeeling and brutal.

This is unforgivable, because this nation’s deepest shame, its most enduring horror, its most terrifying legacy, is political assassination.





Martin Luther King.

Robert Kennedy.

And, but for the grace of the universe or the luck of the draw, Reagan, Ford, Truman, Nixon, Andrew Jackson, both Roosevelts, even George Wallace.

The politics of this nation is steeped enough in blood, Senator Clinton, you cannot and must not invoke that imagery! Anywhere! At any time!

And to not appreciate, immediately – to still not appreciate tonight – just what you have done… is to reveal an incomprehension of the America you seek to lead.

This, Senator, is too much.

Because a senator – a politician – a person –  who can let hang in mid-air the prospect that she might just be sticking around in part, just in case the other guy gets shot – has no business being, and no capacity to be, the President of the United States.

Good night and good luck.

Happy Birthday Stephanie

Twenty-Five. As we get ready for the cruise, we’ll put on Return of the King in her honor and tonight’s dinner will be light but a special prayer to her in whatever she’s doing now. Even after 3 years it still hurts. I still miss her and I think I always will. The pain associated with the loss has lessened with each year but the longing really hasn’t. I’ll be going about my life and for a brief moment something will remind me of her or I’ll just think about her for some strange reason and I have to pause a moment to keep from tearing up. It’s just good knowing that the body that betrayed her is being perfected and at the moment it’s not causing her any pain since she’s free of it. I’m sure she’s hard at work doing something for the Lord and probably quite happy doing it.

I also want to ask for a special prayer for my dad. He recently had some knee surgery done and he’s in quite a bit of pain. I don’t know how many people read this and I don’t know what you all believe but if some prayers or positive thoughts could go out his way, I think it would help immensely and I know we’d both appreciate it a lot. Thanks guys.

So…not one comment on the blog since last Thanksgiving. I guess if I wrote more frequently, people would be more inclined to read and respond. I also get that some people just aren’t responders. They like to observe the world more than interact with it. That’s fine. I just like knowing that I’m not just talking to myself here.

Uncast is going strong and is more popular than ever thanks to our being mentioned on Keith and The Girl. For those who haven’t heard their show, it might be worth checking out. It makes me laugh every day and they are the most popular show on the web for a reason.

So, I’ve been gone from here for 3 weeks. I’ll be gone the rest of this week and all of next week. I’ll post when I can so you aren’t stuck reading a full synopsis of the cruise in one post. Here’s the itinerary for those who care:

Thursday: 3pm shuttle to the airport for a 5:00 flight to San Francisco. We’ll eat at Grubstake and hit the Buena Vista Cafe before heading to bed.
Friday: We’ll get up early, get some breakfast and head on the first group for Alcatraz. After that, we’ll go to the Musee Mechanique and then Scoma’s for lunch before returning to the hotel for a short rest. We’ll take a cable car down to Union Square and walk to the Virgin Megastore and Citizen Cupcake. From there it’s the ballpark to watch the Giants take on the Cardinals. I also want to hit up Buena Vista once more before we sleep. We’ll come back to the hotel and record episode 73 of Uncast before we go to sleep.
Saturday: We’ll get up, release episode 73, pack what needs to be packed and head out to Mama’s on Washington Square for breakfast. We’ll send the luggage to the ship and maybe make a trip down to Chinatown and the City Lights Bookstore before getting on The Mercury. It sets sail at 5pm. I’m sure there will be an emergency drill, a Captain’s Welcome party and some sort of entertainment preview show.
Sunday: We’ll have a sea day which means formal night at dinner and we’ll spend most of the day reading, eating and checking out the ship.
Monday: Astoria, Oregon. I’m still contemplating doing the same shore excursion we did last year but this year it’d have to be by myself which is fine. Victoria will stay on the ship. I might also…but again I’m not sure.
Tuesday: Seattle, Washington. We’ll hit up Pike Place Market and a ballgame at Safeco Field to see the Mariners take on the Royals.
Wednesday: Vancouver, BC. I believe Bart has planned on buying a trolley pass and taking a tour of the city. They want to hit a big music store of Robson St and there’s Death By Chocolate. I want to go to Japa Dog as well. Just gotta try a Terimayo hot dog with Terryaki Sauce, Fried Onions, seaweed and a beef dog.
Thursday: Victoria, BC. We only get until 2pm to enjoy this city again and it’s a shame. So, we’ll hit up some shops and Irish Times Pub for Fish and Chips before heading back to the boat.
Friday: This is our second sea day which means a second formal night. I hate formal nights. I know they’re tradition but I do not like getting dressed up.
Saturday: Back in San Francisco. We’ll grab our luggage, disembark the boad and catch a shuttle to the airport where we wait for a 2pm flight. That’s a long wait so we’ll probably use some of that time to record episode 74 of Uncast. God bless San Francisco’s citywide wifi service.

If you need evidence that perhaps Hillary Clinton might not be the best choice for President of The United States of America, then perhaps the fact that given her distant 2nd ranking in the Democratic Primaries thus far, she fails to concede and not only that had the audacity to ask Obama to be her running mate. Even when she came out and said that Obama lacks the experience to be President and also that McCain would be a better president than Obama.

Here is Obama’s answer:


and here is further proof in case that wasn’t enough…

Then there was this little number by Geraldine Ferraro who has since stepped down from the Clinton campaign but certainly not because fellow-Klanswoman Hillary asked her to:


Finally Keith Olbermann got into the act. Now I normally think this guy is a whiner and is nothing but a sort boil on the Democratic Party (as much as an ESPN cast-off can be) but here I think he gets it right:


Now let me give you this latest memo (with answers from Obama’s campaign in brackets) from the Clinton campaign which came out this morning:


Now after looking at this, let me ask you these four questions:

1. Does this look like the actions of a campaign that can beat John McCain?
2. Does this look like a candidate that will be ready on Day 1?
3. Is this the type of President that you want to pick up the phone in a crisis?
4. Does this look like the actions and words of a person fit to lead our country?

As our reward for renewing our lease with the apartment complex where we live, the management company decided to bestow upon us a free carpet cleaning. My first thought was, “how nice of them.” Then I started to think about all the furniture that had to be moved, random loose items picked up, the dusting, the vacuuming and then what to do with the cat while they cleaned our carpet.

The day drew closer and with each passing day and each chore put off for the next day, I started to wonder if perhaps this carpet cleaning “gift” wasn’t such a good idea. The last couple of days before the cleaning were going to be a real pain and I really only had myself to blame. Still, with all the stains on the carpet from dying our hair, from spilling drinks or food or just foot traffic in general, surely it would be worth it in the end. What could possibly go wrong?

March 1st comes and the cleaners are supposed to be knocking on our door somewhere between noon and 2pm. We spend the previous night moving the coffee table, end tables, boxes of loose items and the bench from the dining room into our bedroom. The morning of the 1st we move all our loose items and light dining room furniture into the kitchen along with the dining room table and our lounging chair from the living room. All other items are placed in the bedroom and by noon I’m tired, sweating and cranky. As I prepare the vacuum for one last run across the carpet, I hear a knock on the door. Great. They’re early.

The cleaner goes outside to search for a spigot he can hook up to. He returns to report that both of the spigots within the hoses reach of our apartment are broken. He will either have to call a maintenance worker to fix them or if I have a washing machine in the apartment, he can get started right away. What do you know, I do have a washing machine in the apartment and I let him know. His face lights up a bit and he goes out to get the hose.

He returns a short time later, reaches behind the washing machine, turns the valve on the spigot to off so he can unhook the machine. He proceeds to turn the head on the hose to loosen it off the spigot when all of a sudden, the head snaps due to the pressure of the water that now begins pouring out of the spigot. He slams the hose back on the spigot and tries turning the valve the other way just in case he had it wrong. Nope, that just makes it come out faster. So with the valve not functioning properly and the head on the hose busted, the curses and screams start. He asks me to call the office which I do with no answer. Apparently they all each lunch between noon and 1pm and leave no one behind to answer phones. SO, he asks me to hold the hose in place while he runs out to find a maintenance worker.

I never had any idea how hard and fast the water comes out of these spigots. It’s much harder than what you can get out of your sink or shower. It was a bit of a struggle keeping the hose in place so that at least a majority of the water went into the hose. Still, by the time he returned with help, I was soaked. The maintenance worker shut off water to the building and they both stood in amazement looking at this thing and wondering how it possibly didn’t function as it was supposed to. Meanwhile I’m walking around the apartment soaking wet, the carpet in the hall and about 6 inches into the bedroom is soaked and the washer/dryer closet is flooded as much as the drain in the middle of the closet will allow.

So it turns out the worker doesn’t have the part to replace the valve so that will have to wait until Monday. In the meantime he screws on some sort of lock or whatever so that when he turns the water back on, it won’t come out of that faucet. The carpet cleaner proceeds to rip up the carpet and tear out the soaked padding. He comes in with a wet-vac and sucks up as much of the water as he can. He then leaves saying that as soon as that valve is replaced, he’ll come back to put in new padding, clean up the w/d room and clean our carpets. Well, that’s not exactly how it turned out.

Monday morning we put the cat in the bedroom and shut the door.  We come home and find out the carpet has been cleaned (the outside spigots must have been fixed) and the washing machine is still broken. We call the office and find out they had to go out and get the parts late in the day and didn’t get back in time to replace them. Well, at least now the carpet is clean, the padding is replaced and the w/d room is clean.

Tuesday we get home and we find that the washing machine has a new valve, new head on the hose and is working properly. All is finally well. What should have taken 1-2 hours has taken the better part of three days. What craziness.

Looks like God is mad at Tennessee and Arkansas for voting for Huckabee:


Start worrying Alabama, West Virginia and Georgia. He’s coming for you next.

Kentucky and Mississippi, that was a warning shot. Do not disappoint The Lord.


The New England Patriots are ….

18 – 1!!!

HA HA HA HA! WTG you arrogant bastards!