
Archive for November, 2007

Who to vote for?

I got a picture today from my father. He depicts it as scary and “should be forwarded on to all your friends if you know what is good for the country.”

What is it? A picture of Senator Obama NOT putting his hand over his heart or reciting the pledge of allegiance. I’ve seen a similar picture recently of our President rubbing his belly during the National Anthem.

So if that’s one down, who’s left?

Hillary Clinton wants to go to war with Iran and has committed campaign felony on tape.

Mitt Romney wants to double Guantanamo (with who…US?) while his staff are too busy running teen torture camps, committing fraud and impersonating police officers to worry about his campaign. Plus Mitt is all for “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” (as stated in previous link on Guantanamo) which is just a funny new 21st century term for TORTURE. He would also never consider hiring a Muslim for a cabinet position. Maybe one of the lower-level positions though.

Rudy Giuliani is running on a campaign of his heroics during the 9/11 tragedy when in fact he closed streets to avoid victims families, has FDNY and NYPD and families of victims crying out against him and has the following to say about our freedom: “Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.” Besides, as I hear it, he’s not even supposed to be able to run for President so long as he holds a knighthood. Check the last part of Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution. Even his daughter doesn’t want him to be president.

Now we get down to the people who don’t have a chance of being elected as anything except perhaps a Vice President:

John Edwards is just a hypocrite. About campaign contributions, SUVs and the war.

John McCain can’t control his campaign staff either with one being arrested trying to bribe a police officer with oral sex and he still supports the drug war. Apparently he has also joined the John Edwards Train of Hypocracy. He’s also joined Hillary in his support of attacking Iran with military force.

Ron Paul is too pro-gun, anti-environment and isolationist for my taste. Besides, his support staff are too busy spamming the ‘net to care.

The only candidate left who’s even showing in any polls is Dennis Kucinich and while I support him on a number of issues, I’m just not convinced yet that he’s the candidate for me. Then again, look at all the people above. We’ve got a stack of boobs and a few nuts but no solid foundations from which we can build the future of this country. Oh well. Here’s to at least another four terrible years.

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So I haven’t posted a blog entry in like 3 weeks. Well, I think it’s high time that little streak ends. If you’re reading this, the streak is over. It’s too late. I don’t want to see any “Save the streak” signs and picketers outside my apartment or place of employment. Thank you.

Now,  I’m sitting here at work on a Monday morning and trying to reflect over the last week. We recorded two episodes of Uncast, did some shopping, some chores, and I’ve come to the conclusion that lying is boring. Lying is for the weak. I don’t like that phrase “for the weak” and so I only use it when I feel it really applies and I doubt I’m going to get many arguments about this unless it’s coming from liars.

Here’s my first truth: I’m unsure about a lot of things in life. I get gut feelings but when I tell someone that I don’t like them, they usually want an explanation and I like to have one. So, if this should ever be you on the wrong side of the conversation, I’ll let you know.  I always give people the benefit of the doubt but I also tend to trust my gut feelings since they’re nearly always right.

Another conclusion I’ve come to is that there’s enough negativity in life that pops up on its own. Why add to that with things that aren’t that important? This might seem to contradict my “lying is for the weak” mantra but it doesn’t. Yes, telling the truth is hard sometimes. There are times that the truth brings about hurt feelings, confrontation and pretty negative situations but as far as I’m concerned it’s just one of those moments in life.

The negativity I’m talking about is bitterness, hatred, anger, etc. If I don’t like someone, why harp on it? If I don’t like what someone does or says passed talking to them about it, why drag it on in my head? If I make a mistake, I can express my regret, work to rectify it and then try not to do it again but why beat myself up for it? Drivers pissing me off…why? Is my life truly in danger or is it just costing me a few second time? Was it just a fleeting moment but now everyone’s safe so why lash out? It’s not about lying. It’s about telling the truth without letting situations become bigger than they need to be. It’s about not overreacting to things and it’s about being helpful and supportive to those around me.

Now these two conclusions are enough to work with for now. They’re each pretty heavy on their own. So why don’t you reflect on them yourself and see if it doesn’t fit you as well.

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Some of you may not know but Victoria and I have this little podcast called Uncast. Now I warn you, it’s not for everyone. I know some of you would rather not hear us curse or talk about sex or anything dirty, vile or violent but for the rest of you who haven’t checked it out at all, didn’t know about it or haven’t been able to yet…take a little time RIGHT NOW and listen to an episode. You can start at The Beginning and move up, you can start at the most recent or even in the middle like episode 25.

NOW when you’re done there AND FOR THE REST OF YOU, please at least support us by going to Podcast Alley and voting for us. They’ll send you an email. You click on the link in that email and your vote counts. Fail to do any of them and the vote won’t count, we’ll be sad. You don’t want us to be sad do you? THEN GO VOTE FOR US!!! There are over 35,500 podcasts listed on Podcast Alley. We started at the bottom.

In September we were 205th and in October we were 61st. We’d like to continue that exponential climb to the top 10 if possible. The more of you that listen and the more that vote, the more possible that is. IF YOU LIKE IT TELL YOUR FRIENDS! They might like it. Even if they don’t they might spread the word at least and that’s good enough. More people need to know what a podcast is and what great podcasts are out there. Check out the side bar on this blog. A few are listed there.

The counts change on the 1st of every month. Being on the front page means more potential listeners. More listeners means potential future moneys but most of all we just love people and the more people who listen, the more will like us and that’s always a good thing. So go go go!

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