
Archive for March, 2007

So in the course of my day I’ve complained about some egg-shaped dude that just walks around the office. He’s not an employee. Just a really short egg-shaped dude. Kind looks like a mix of Danny DeVito, Wallace Shawn and Stephen Root doing Milton from Office Space. Lacks a little hair up top with just a bit on the sides, squinty Wallace Shawn eyes, and kinda hairy. He just creeps me out. I’ve plotted the invasion and conquering of the mini-countries of Europe including sacking and pillaging the Vatican City, executing everyone in the cathedral and leaving them hanging from the buttresses for the carrion birds to have their fill. What is wrong with me? It’s Monday, that’s what’s wrong.

Then I made the wonderful decision to listen to KATG this morning. Coughing really hurts my ribs. Laughing makes me cough or at least simulates the same motion. So listen to Matt and Keith and Chemda yuck it up, led to quite a painful morning.

Missed the Dawn & Drew party in LV Friday night. why a Friday and not Saturday I’ll never know but I was deathly ill and broke anyways so it doesn’t matter. Sounds like it was a ton of fun. Suck.

So yeah Mondays suck and this Monday has sucked double. Tired and whiny. Really whiny. I’m starting to annoy myself here so I’ll take off. Ciao. Slainte. Aloha. Whatever.

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Still Got It

I’m taking that in two directions today. First, Episode Two is out and Episode Three is in the post-production stage. Yep…we still got it. Every show is better than the one before it and I think that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Well, at first anyways. Then I suppose we’ll level off and have our peaks and valleys from week to week.

Second thing is that this cold just won’t go away. It’s been five days and I’m still sniffling, sneezing, coughing, hacking, achy, you know…all those Nyquil symptoms. Except, I’ve been taking Nyquil and it hasn’t helped much. Sudafed helps relieve the symptoms for a while but it doesn’t take care of the problem. Gonna have to get some Robitussin PE later. Get rid of this sinus stuff and break up all the congestion in my chest. It now hurts to cough. That’s not good.

Well, I’ve got a whole 5 days worth of podcasts to catch up on and reports to get out so I’ll cut this short.

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Like signing a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide.

It’s just more proof that whether you’re targeting liberals, conservatives, atheists, religious zealots, whites, blacks, straights, gays, women, men, old or young people will sign anything you put in front of them if you use the right pitch and you do it in the right place. You present it the right way and you could get the NRA to sign off on gun control, atheists to get baptized, or the environmentally overconscious to sign a petition banning water.

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We are now officially podcasters! We released our first episode tonight. We call our podcast, UNCAST: Where absence of talent meets free media. We’ve been listeners of a large variety of podcasts since the summer of 2005 with DiggNation and Dawn & Drew. On our trips home and whenever we talked for any length of time we realized that we both came up with some of the funniest things. We wanted to share that with everyone else.

So, we’re still trying to come up with intro and outro music at the moment. We have a salutation and Victoria begins with “Insert Awesome Theme Music Here” but perhaps actual music would make us sound more professional. OR, being UNCAST, perhaps professional just isn’t on the list. So maybe it stays as is.

Now here’s the disclaimer. We are us in this podcast. We aren’t perfect Latter-Day Saints. We act drunk in this first episode and we also curse. This podcast is the one outlet where we both feel we can let go and be our true selves. So, listen if you want. If it’s too offensive or hurts your feelings too much, then don’t listen. No, we don’t PRETEND around people but we do back off saying some of the things that in certain company just aren’t acceptable. We don’t curse around our LDS family. We don’t talk about sex or make certain comments around certain people or in certain situations like work or public or whatever.

So if you’d like to listen, go for it. Give us some feedback. We want to know what you like and don’t like. This is our first podcast ever so there’s tons of room for improvement.


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So here I am celebrating a Catholic holiday. Well, not really celebrating. Just having a really good day.

So this morning we went out to see the new TMNT. That’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to those ‘not in the know’. Victoria won some sort of Union-Tribune sweepstakes and we got to go to this premiere showing of the movie. I’m just going to start out by telling you what I thought. If you liked the action and humor of the original series, this movie is for you. The animation is updated to current standards and the voices aren’t the same but the movie absolutely ROCKS! I think this is just why the studios host events like this. They want to have people tell all their friends how great their movie is. In this case, they’re going to get their wish because they did this right.

In fact, let me go so far as to say this: I loved the Transformers original cartoon, toys and comics. Since the original movie back in 1986, they have completely ruined it. So what to do? How about following what TMNT did. How about keeping all the original characters. Either keep them as their original “vehicle” mode or use their current equivalent (not 100 years in the future). Then simply update the animation to current standards and this series will be a huge hit with kids yet again. As of now there’s Beast Wars, Beast Machines, RID, Energon and God knows what else. Keep the originals. Update the animation. DONE. Simple, easy and hard to get wrong.

So to sum up, GO SEE TMNT! I want to go see it again already and I don’t say that about many movies.

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Wow what a last few days.

It started Friday. We have a really great group at our work. There’s four of us that get along really well. After I left on Friday, our company let one of them go. Skip was a temp that worked for us and he’s a really cool guy. The company claimed budget issues. We have two others in our department that are leaving in June. Neither of these two that are leaving are temps. Could they not have hired on our two temps into those open slots and then just hired one temp to replace the two? Why now? Why couldn’t it wait 3 more months? Anyways I’m ranting but for as NOT upset as Skip is, I’m upset about it. I just hate being lied to.

Saturday was a busy day. We headed to the in-laws place to do our income taxes and luckily we owe less this year than last year by over $200. Nice but it’s still over $400. Victoria got wrangled into seeing the new horrific Tim Allen film. Poor thing. Her mom told her if she saw this movie with her, she’d go see the Wil Ferrell/John Heder film about ice skating which Victoria wants to see. Both movies look like duds to me so I’ll be staying away from that.

Butch and I went out for lunch to Batter Up! Great food. I had a double shrimp sandwich and Butch had the Buffalo Chicken sandwich. We sat and admired Kevin Durant for a while before heading home. Then, the in-laws took us out to dinner at DZ Akin’s. We love that place! Best deli I’ve had in San Diego yet. If you know of better, please let me know.

Sunday was church, home teaching and then I went out and met a buddy for dinner. Well, I say buddy. We’ve been part of the same online community for 8 years but we’d never met each other in person until now. We went out the The Prado for dinner. The Prado is by far my favorite dinner place in San Diego. In fact I’ve never been ANYWHERE better than this place but I’m sure there’s bound to be better SOMEWHERE in the world. Anyways, we talked about the forums, his job, renaissance faires, press passes, etc. Good conversation, good food and overall a great meeting. Victoria and I plan to go out and visit him in February of next year when we go to AZ Renaissance Festival.

That was our weekend. Now for Podcasting.

We’re hoping to start our own podcast soon. We’ll be recording every night for the next week or so, tweaking things until we feel we have something decent and then we’ll put out the first episode. This is going to require some quick website building by Victoria as well as getting domains and web hosting set up. We’ll need all the help we can get as far as that goes. Web hosting isn’t cheap. Especially when you’re putting up 30 minute shows nearly every day or one hour a week or whatever. So far all I’ve learned is I say “um” and “uh” a lot and I tend to go into far too much detail about stuff so it ends up sounding like a rambling. So if I can get rid of the nerves and get to the point I think we’ll be just fine. We’re best when we just play off each other vs having our own little “parts”.

So we’ll release the name when we have domains set up. Hopefully no one will take our name before we get started.

Alright that’s it for tonight. I’m tired. Talk to you all later.

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My wife, the chef

This is the wife that the good Lord blessed me with. Here is our dinner menu for the week:

Sunday: Asian meatloaf, rice, broccoli
Monday: black bean patties with pineapple rice
Tuesday: Roasted onion tart with blue cheese and salad
Wednesday: Gnochi with brussel sprouts
Thursday: Moo shoo shrimp
and Friday we’ll likely eat out somewhere

If I wasn’t eating with Butch at Batter Up! for lunch and DZ Akins with the in-laws for dinner, I’m sure I’d have something delicious from the wife then too. Probably Chicken Piccata.

Add to this the fact that we’re best friends, she’s a bit of a baseball fan and she likes watching soccer with me and I couldn’t ask for much more. I love this woman.

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